Country Coloring Pages


Learn about the countries in the Middle East and North Africa in a fun way!
Each page features a different country and unique activity to enjoy.

FREE Resource – Kid’s coloring activity pages from the Middle East and North Africa!

Each page features a different country and unique activity to enjoy. There are fun facts, cut-out puzzles, games (like checkers), word puzzles, and more! 

Activities recommended for ages 5 and up. 

Some tasks may be more easy to understand for older children but parents are welcome to do the activities with their kids!

Sudan With Color
Sudan Page with Color

Countries include: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait, Sudan, South Sudan, and Tunisia.

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Thank you SAT‑7 for this brilliant ministry, video and audio, you are perfect. God bless you all. God is Good.” Another mother, Shereen, said: “Despite me not being a Christian, I adore your respected channel.” A young mother, Jinan in Lebanon, said: “You are the best channel for my child. He keeps watching you on TV and participates in your programs. Also, he keeps holding the cellphone and watches you on Facebook. I need to thank you because we got attached to you, and we can find you everywhere, either by TV or by Social Media."
— Mother, Shereen
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