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Dr. Rex Rogers*

30th June 2021

Dr. Rex M. Rogers is an author, speaker, and President, SAT-7 North America (dba, SAT-7 USA), sat7usa.org, the American arm for SAT-7, a satellite television ministry broadcasting Christian programming on four channels in three languages, Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish, reaching across seven time zones into 25 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as 50 countries in Europe.

Dr. Rogers is currently writing Be One of God’s Unlikely Leaders–Live With Focus, Get Things Done. This book will help people become leaders God empowers to change the world.

Dr. Rogers has published two eBooks, the first with co-author Dr. Rick E. Amidon, Today You Do Greatness: A Parable On Success And Significance (Grand Rapids: Unlikely Leaders, 2011).

Today You Do Greatness shares an engaging fictional narrative about an immigrant named Danu, alongside Christian worldview-based perspectives about competing definitions of life, leadership, success, and significance in contemporary culture. This book is also now available in print via www.amazon.com.

Dr. Rogers’s second eBook, Living For God In Changing Times (Grand Rapids: Unlikely Leaders, 2011), is a digital presentation of his earlier book on Christian liberty. Both eBooks are available at www.amazon.com.

Dr. Rogers is the author of Gambling: Don’t Bet On It (Kregel, 2005), previously published as Seducing America: Is Gambling a Good Bet? (Baker, 1997). He testified before the Michigan Legislature and participated in more than 175 media interviews on gambling. This book is available in print via www.amazon.com.

In 2003, Dr. Rogers published Christian Liberty: Living for God in a Changing Culture (Baker). This book discusses how to interact with social and cultural change, including the so-called “Christian culture wars” and the threat of moral relativism in postmodern culture. This book is available in print via www.amazon.com.

In December 2011, Dr. Rogers launched a video column, “Making a Difference with Rex Rogers,” produced by MissionsInMedia.com. He applies the Christian worldview to current events and issues and offers practical observations for everyday life. The video column is posted at www.westmichiganchristian.com and www.relevantchristian.com.

He also blogs on his website, www.rexmrogers.com, on a wide range of issues, ideas, cultural trends, politics, economics, religion, and everyday life. In addition, Dr. Rogers writes articles for “West Michigan Christian News,” www.westmichiganchristian.com, on topics from burial vs cremation to immigration to patriotism to tattoos, and more.

From 1993 to 2009, Dr. Rogers wrote and recorded “Making a Difference,” a daily radio feature applying biblical principles to a wide range of contemporary issues and concerns. From 2003 to 2008, “Making a Difference” was syndicated weekly in print to more than 100 newspapers in 33 states.

For 34 years, Dr. Rogers served in Christian higher education, beginning as a 7th Grade Home Room social studies teacher, teaching as a professor of political science at Cedarville University (OH), working as vice president for academic affairs for The King’s College (NY), and from 1991 to 2008, serving as the president of Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI. He was responsible for Cornerstone University’s three-part enterprise: the undergraduate college, the graduate program including Grand Rapids Theological Seminary and Asia Baptist Theological Seminary based in Singapore, and a Christian radio division involving three radio stations, an internationally syndicated program called “Mission Network News,” and a nationally distributed children’s radio ministry called “His Kids Radio.”

Dr. Rogers periodically provides leadership and fundraising consulting for non-profit organizations. He speaks in churches, schools, commencements, and other special events, business environments, and conferences.

Dr. Rogers holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati, an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Akron, and a B.A. in Social Science from Cedarville University.

Married in 1974, Dr. Rogers and his wife, Sarah, have four adult children and their spouses, nine grandsons, and, finally, one granddaughter.

Sarah is a board member and an active volunteer for Women At Risk, International. She travels and speaks regularly on behalf of WAR’s Christian mission to rescue and empower (physically, spiritually, socially, economically) women and children who’ve been victims of an increasingly powerful international human trafficking sex trade, www.warinternational.org. And for the past few years, Sarah has spoken annually for an Australian ministry at a women’s conference in the Balkan countries.

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