Our Impact
How We Reach People
SAT-7 Channel
An in-depth look
at the MENA region
from SAT-7 personnel
Group of children smiling


A Safe Space for Children and Youth in Challenging Region »
Children and young people in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) often grow up in regions...
Jesus take the wheel


Jesus Takes the Wheel »
Afoosa shared with SAT-7 how a change in the weather interrupted travel plans while also bringing...
Salvation amongst the pain


Salvation Amongst the Pain »
During his dark years in prison, Sepehr found something he never expected to find; he found...
MENA map


Behind-The-Scenes Teams Offer Support for Viewers »
For SAT-7, what happens off-screen is just as important as what happens on screen. A core part of...
A group of Christians praying with Bible on table

Impact Story

Guiding Suicidal Viewers to Hope and Help »
As World Suicide Prevention Day is marked on September 10, SAT-7 is helping viewers facing mental...
A Simple Gift that Changed a Life


A Simple Gift that Changed a Life »
Many Christians fear talking about the Gospel to non-believers because they don’t know every...
saved by grace


Saved by Grace »
An Iranian man shared how he nearly lost his life on a cold, wintry night. If he had been found...
Growing in faith through SAT-7


Growing in Faith Through SAT-7 »
Shahrad lives in Iran where practicing Christianity is not acceptable. However, he is willing to...
Searching for True Faith


Searching for True Faith »
A man from Iran shared his testimony with SAT-7 on what it was like for him to live in a place...
Two hands reaching to the light in darkness: Persecution leads to hope


Persecution Leads to Hope »
This believer looks to the light instead of focusing on the darkness of her experience. “Wherever...

Reach Kids with the Gospel

In a region where countless children are victims of war and poverty, SAT-7 provides biblically-based children’s programming to teach kids about the hope found through faith in Jesus.