Our Impact
How We Reach People
SAT-7 Channel
An in-depth look
at the MENA region
from SAT-7 personnel
Gameshow Blog

Impact Story, News

Game Show Leaves Legacy of Faith Among Young Viewers »
After five successful seasons with over 200 episodes, the SAT‑7 PARS youth...
Broken chain: refusing the devil's intimidation


Refusing the Devil’s Intimidation »
The devil uses non-believers to establish hesitation in Christians in the MENA. But, many...
Man with face in his hands showing despair: losing identity when accepting Jesus


Losing Identity When Accepting Jesus »
A new believer in the MENA is often faced with having to change parts of their life. This could...
Syrian refugees walking on Turkey Syria border


Bringing the Challenges of Refugees to Light »
As the refugee crisis continues to be at the forefront of our world, we consider the dangers and...


Overcoming Barriers to Sharing the Gospel in the MENA »
Against a backdrop of conflict, political unrest, economic turmoil, grinding poverty, and forced...
Sweet Anecodotes


The Little Show Teaching Children about Jesus »
With its handmade children’s program, Sweet Anecdotes, SAT-7’s Persian channel is going...
group standing by cross

Impact Story

Celebrating the Holy Spirit’s Work in the MENA »
As churches in the region mark the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we highlight and...
Two arrows on the ground with a pair of black shoes standing on them: God's plan vs short-term satisfaction


God’s Plan vs Short-term Satisfaction »
During a disappointing moment, Tahmaseb didn’t renounce his faith. He clung to Jesus. There would...
Heart-shaped object among rubble: finding gratitude in hardship


Finding Gratitude in Hardship »
Finding gratitude when faced with hardships is not possible without the love and grace of God. Lean...
Iranian Woman Banner

Impact Story

How the Cross Changed an Iranian Woman’s Life »
When Leyla,* a woman from Iran, first encountered the cross of Christ at the age of 15, it was a...

Reach Kids with the Gospel

In a region where countless children are victims of war and poverty, SAT-7 provides biblically-based children’s programming to teach kids about the hope found through faith in Jesus.