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“God Shows up in Difficult Times”: Bernadette’s Story

3rd December 2024

Bernadette Sami has been bedridden for 15 years through disability and illness, but she has not allowed that to stop her from fulfilling her dreams. Now she is using her writing skills to help SAT-7’s Youth for an Enabling Society (YES) project to inspire a generation of change-makers across the Arab world.

Bernadette, age 24, became a content creator for the YES project’s “Our Generation Plus” social media pages when they launched in March, and her posts have been making an impact among the more than 200,000 young followers.

We celebrate Bernadette’s story of overcoming adversity to make a positive contribution to her family and wider society – a remarkable achievement in a region where people with disabilities often face discrimination and marginalization.

Strength in Suffering

Bernadette experienced many difficulties as she grew up, suffering from muscular atrophy and breathing problems that left her almost completely paralyzed. On top of this, her mother was also seriously ill and died when Bernadette was just 13. “I prayed that if the only way to relieve her pain was death, then so be it,” Bernadette said. “I prayed she meets the Lord.”

Despite her limitations, Bernadette tried to take over her mother’s role in caring for the rest of her family, especially her brother. Reflecting on her mother’s legacy in her life, Bernadette said, “If I wanted to say something to my mom, I would thank her for her unparalleled love. I thank her for her kindness and for being my only friend all these years. I thank her for always telling me that people see me so strong and beautiful, which gave me a lot of confidence in myself.”

Bernadette’s Christian faith has also helped her to rise above her trials and given her a hopeful and joyful perspective on life. As her condition worsened, she spent a formative period in the hospital, where she learned “that God shows up powerfully in difficult times.” Bernadette added, “I discovered that there are many blessings in the world, in our daily life, but we do not pay attention to them. I started to take advantage of all the possibilities I have.”

Helping Others

Bernadette was always passionate about writing, and it became a tool that she started using to make an impact in the world. “I started writing thoughts and articles about life and people,” she says. “I [want to] share the struggles I’ve been through to help others.”

Her writing started getting a lot of attention. An article she wrote about Egyptian superstar footballer Mo Salah won a competition, and she went on to write her own novel, called The Room of Life.

Now, in her work as a content writer for the “Our Generation Plus” pages, some of Bernadette’s most popular posts include profound pieces of wisdom she has learned through her own suffering.

“When I was young, one of our relatives once told a joke, belittling me because of my illness,” she explained in a recent post. “At the time, I was very upset, but I did not know how to respond. My father said, ‘When someone belittles you… tell him, “If you take a diamond and put it in the ground, it will remain a diamond, and its value is as high as ever.”’ Don’t believe that your value lies in anything external. Your true value is inside you even if you are a human being who cannot move from the bed due to certain circumstances.”

“Role Model”

YES project lead Rafik George said that Bernadette’s written posts were as valuable to the success of the “Our Generation Plus” pages as the team’s video productions, attracting high levels of engagement. “Bernadette is an inspiring model for us at SAT-7 and for everyone who reads her content,” he said.

“Bernadette is a positive and inspiring role model for young people, as she practices her talent in writing and works at it to increase her family’s income, all with one hand from her bed.”

Bernadette’s character, determination, and love for others shines through all her interactions, and she clearly makes an impact on everyone around her. One of Bernadette’s friends, Sylvia Gad, who works as a physical therapist, said:

By the nature of my job, I often meet people with special needs. What I saw in Bernadette I have never seen in my entire life. Bernadette is able to overcome barriers that other people do not know how to overcome… I see her giving life to everyone around her.”

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