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Tunisia: A New Witness for a New Democracy

2nd February 2021

SAT-7 ARABIC is now beginning to air programs made by a brand-new Christian team in Tunisia.

The members of Perpetua, the new team equipped and supported by SAT-7 in Tunis (the capital of Tunisia), are beginning to share their faith and hope with their compatriots at a significant moment for their homeland. As Tunisia marks ten years since unemployment, poverty, corruption, and lack of freedom triggered the first uprising of what is now known as the “Arab Spring,” it remains a country with a complex society.

The team is passionate about sharing their faith in Christ, which offers hope in the face of struggle and disappointment and a deeper reason for believing in the equality and dignity of all. The programs being made for SAT-7 will speak to issues that have continued to exist over the last decade since the uprising and come alongside a society struggling both with long-standing economic woes and the newer challenge of the pandemic.

Two Christian couples share what Christ’s birth means to them in the Christmas special.

After producing the seasonal special Christmas in Tunisia, which shows believers worshipping in a local church along with a Christian couple discussing the meaning of Christmas in their home, the team are now working on a new discussion series called Standard Talk, which will air in the spring. Their goal with this program is to speak not to other Christians but to a much wider audience, addressing a range of topics from knowing God to family life, relationships, and social issues. Each time they will begin with a context that everyone will know before guests offer a distinct Christian perspective on the topic.

Please pray:

As these productions move forward, please join SAT-7 in giving thanks for the Perpetua team. Ask that God will give them the skills, creativity, and understanding to produce programs that will attract and speak to a wide and growing audience. Pray also for the development of SAT-7’s wider programming for North Africa. Most believers there are only first- or second-generation Christians and most cannot meet openly. Thank you for your prayer support.

Support the production of new programs in Tunisia by giving here. Your partnership with SAT-7 helps us Extend Our Witness to people and places where the name of Christ is not widely known. Thank you.



Banner image:  “Tunis skyline from Medina (1)” by larrywkoester is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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