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3rd August 2022

“There were always many Christians in Türkiye, but when I was a young Christian there were no books. But now in Türkiye there is this channel that is an essential resource and guides young people,” a church leader in Türkiye recently shared. Through SAT-7 TÜRK, believers in Türkiye have access not only to books and television, but also to digital media to support them in their faith.

Neriman* from Türkiye told SAT-7 TÜRK, “When I first started watching you, I judged you without knowing who you are. But God prevented me at some point and opened my eyes, breaking my judgment against you. I really thank the Lord very much that I have got to know people like you, who have been my guide.”

For viewers like Neriman, watching Homemade live is the perfect beginning to a difficult day, and receiving spiritual guidance from Power of Prayer helps them realize God’s presence in their lives. Over the past eight years, through television, SAT-7 TÜRK has been able to provide Christians in Türkiye with a platform to have their voices heard, and promote understanding of their cultures, traditions, and faith among the general Turkish population.

Now, in 2022, the channel broadcasts over 25 original programs, both new and ongoing. This includes those that present ideas, issues, and perspectives from a Christian viewpoint, which other channels do not, as in the programs Obstacle Overcomers and You Are Not Alone, which show people with disabilities and women their value, or in documentaries.

Today, Turkish-speaking audiences are not only watching SAT-7 TÜRK on television. They have also started using SAT-7 PLUS, the Middle East’s first on-demand Christian video-streaming service. In the first quarter of 2022, Türkiye had the highest number of viewers on SAT-7 PLUS of any country in the world. So, with over 40 old and new series currently on the platform, SAT-7 TÜRK is now bringing life-changing messages to a wider audience in the region, including a growing younger demographic who are engaging via mobile devices.

Video-on-demand also allows SAT-7 TÜRK viewers not only to watch current shows, documentaries, and films, but also to catch up on some of their favorite old programs. For instance, Meltem from Türkiye wrote, “Due to my busy schedule, I saw your work online and thought it was great. Thanks to your work, I feel even closer to God. May the Lord bless the entire SAT-7 TÜRK family.” Viewer comments like this show how SAT-7 TÜRK’s online presence enables people to find new ways of integrating spiritual support into their lifestyles.

Praise God that SAT-7 TÜRK is able to make Christian content available via both satellite television and digital media. Please pray that the channel will continue to offer something for everyone: from Bible teaching to news and social impact, from children’s programming to documentaries, and from films to women’s programs.

*Viewer names changed to protect identities.

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