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SAT-7 Channel
An in-depth look
at the MENA region
from SAT-7 personnel
Christ has healed me


“Christ Has Healed Me” »
Behrokh, a viewer from Iran, shared with SAT-7 how she continued to pray during a life-changing...
young woman standing in front of flowering bush holding a small flower

Impact Story

Young Moroccan Women Find Faith and Freedom »
SAT-7 is hearing story after story from women who have encountered the transformative love...
World Watchlist Map Sudan Web


Sudan Rises Again in List of Worst Places for Christians »
Of the ten countries where Christians are most severely persecuted, five are from the Middle East...
A Woman Defrauded of $24,000 Feels Peace


A Woman Defrauded of $24,000 Feels Peace »
When it comes to finances, many people will do whatever it takes to secure their financial future....
Jad Story Banner Web

Impact Story

Answered Prayer as Young Syrian Boy “Finally” Is Baptized »
When we first heard from SAT-7 KIDS viewer Jad, he was watching our programs in secret and longing...
Darkness can't keep you from God


Darkness Can’t Keep You From God »
People face challenges in life. Some of those challenges bring us down into the darkness that seems...

Impact Story

SAT-7 Presenter Gives Hope to Suffering Children »
Fleeing war in Syria, SAT-7 KIDS presenter Shady Tarzi found peace in Lebanon. But when conflict...
salvation knows no deadline


Salvation Knows No Deadline »
Many Christians will go their whole lives praying for the salvation of others and they may never...
Arab World Banner Web

Impact Story

Strengthening Faith Across the MENA: Arab World »
Many of SAT-7’s viewers in the Arab World live with the harsh realities of war, social unrest,...


Connecting with Audiences Across Different Platforms »
Television viewing habits have changed considerably in recent years with the rise of multimedia...

Reach Kids with the Gospel

In a region where countless children are victims of war and poverty, SAT-7 provides biblically-based children’s programming to teach kids about the hope found through faith in Jesus.