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31st October 2023

The SAT-7 KIDS program Behind the Door is providing “sanctuary” for young Arab viewers frightened by the war in the Holy Land and other conflicts in the region. In a live episode last week, children shared their heartfelt prayers for those suffering and grieving, bringing tears to the eyes of the show’s presenters.

“I am living in constant fear due to this war,” shared Sali*, a young girl from the Holy Land. “When the bombing starts, I get really frightened.”

The episode opened by acknowledging the dire situation in the Holy Land and inviting young viewers from across the region to share their fears and prayers – while also encouraging them to cling to faith and hope.

“In the heart of adversity, Behind the Door emerged as a sanctuary, providing comfort for souls burdened by the weight of war,” shared Andrea El-Mounayer, SAT-7 KIDS Channel Manager. “Our young viewers across the MENA region came together to share their deepest fears, hopes, and prayers amid the chaos.”

The children’s prayers were moving and powerful, showing great empathy for those suffering loss and grief, as well as deprivation as a result of humanitarian crises. “I can eat, but they cannot! I can sleep, but they cannot!” Abeer from Algeria shared, admitting to shedding tears when witnessing children dying in the war.

“The children’s messages were simple, yet profoundly genuine, as they beseeched the Lord to extend His helping hand to those who are wounded and in need. Their earnest pleas for peace provided a ray of hope, and their sincere prayers were a source of inspiration for us all,” Andrea added.

During the episode, the presenters encouraged the young viewers to practice Jesus’ teaching of loving our enemies and showing kindness towards those who cause us harm. “Whenever I contemplate the teachings of Jesus, I find the strength to imagine the future with hope,” said Antonios, a young viewer from Egypt.

The episode also highlighted the war in Sudan, which has displaced nearly four million people from their homes. Estephanos, a young Sudanese boy who fled with his family to Egypt, called the program to pray for his family to be able to return to their homeland, and for he and his sister to be able to resume their education – having been rejected by Egyptian schools. Despite all his suffering and loss, Estephanos urged other young viewers who are experiencing similar hardships to persist in prayer and trust in God’s divine timing for their deliverance.

“In the face of despair, we found a beacon of hope in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” Andrea concluded.


*Viewer names changed for security.

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