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14th November 2023

The presenters of the SAT-7 PARS program New Identity recently had the honor of interviewing Iranian believer Bita Rezaei, whose remarkable story of faith is challenging, inspiring, and heart-wrenching in equal measure. 

Bita’s story starts with a small seed. “The Lord planted [in me] the desire to serve in children’s centers and old people’s homes… Initially, I worked at a state-funded children’s center.” Bita felt restricted in her role, and it wasn’t long before God called Bita to something new. “God put on my heart to set up a place myself. And I said to Him, ‘Lord, You know that I have neither money nor connections.’”

The House of Kindness

In faith, Bita started an institute for children who had psychological and physical disabilities, calling it the “House of Kindness.” She witnessed God’s miraculous power during 13 years of ministry, from strangers writing large checks for supplies, to girls being healed of physical conditions. “When the Lord wants to work,” she said, “it will be way beyond our thought, imagination, logic, or powers of calculation.”

But then, one fateful morning, everything changed.


“My home was raided by five officers from the security services while my son and I were asleep. They took me to prison and seized the [children’s] center. Those children who had experienced love for the first time were suddenly taken away from me. I was questioned about where I had gotten all the money from, and I was accused [on the basis] of my Christian faith.”

Bita was interrogated multiple times in prison and sustained a significant back injury when she was pushed down a flight of stairs while blindfolded. Despite these troubles, Bita wanted to serve in her wing of the prison, which was home to mothers who had children under three years old. “We were able to buy ointments and clothes for the kids but also for the mothers. God gave me strength and did great work there.”

“Trust the Lord”

After one year, Bita was “miraculously” released from prison and reunited with her son, before leaving Iran for Germany. Her advice for Christian women suffering persecution is profound. “Firstly, we can’t know everything,” she said. “There is no point asking ‘why’ because the whys become a mire in which we might drown. Secondly, we should trust the Lord. It is in hard situations that ‘trusting God’ has meaning.

Prayer Points

Would you please pause and pray with Bita for persecuted Christians right now?

“Thank You, Lord, that You are love. When we call on You, we know You will be there to help Your children who are in difficulty – in prison or at home. The children, the young people, the mothers and fathers – all who are suffering: I lift each one of them to You. I ask You to empower them and bless them. Rescue them and grant them freedom from the problems and difficulties that beset them. In Jesus’ name and with gratitude to the Father, amen.”



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