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4th May 2022

Testimonies recently received by SAT-7’s Turkish-language channel show how deeply its message of God’s love affects people’s lives. “I take joy in watching your channel. Because I am watching, my entire household has turned against me. But no matter what happens, I will continue to watch,” one viewer says.

The viewer shares that he was “biased” against Christians, like many in Turkey, before he began watching the channel. As he watched though, he was moved. “You have an honest and caring community,” he says. “My prejudice was completely destroyed. Your channel makes me see the truth.” Even as the members of his household shun him, he is encouraging them to watch SAT-7 TÜRK, too.

Over the past two years, the channel has been a lifeline for people at many different stages in their walks of faith, especially at times of crisis. A second viewer recently reached out, sharing that her family had been struggling while her young nephew was seriously ill.

‘This was starting to turn us away from the Church and God,” she said. When Christians face frequent suspicion and derision from those around them, and often a lack of resources and support at the same time, they can be left isolated at times of crisis. Programs that answer tough questions about the Christian faith or help believers pray and worship can be a lifeline.

“Thanks to your broadcasts, we began to pray and take refuge in God. We draw strength from your programs. We are grateful for your channel. May the Lord bless your broadcasts and allow more people to be healed and reunited with the Lord. Thank you,” the viewer continued.

A Million Chances to Hear

Alongside its 24/7 satellite television broadcasts, SAT-7 TÜRK has been making the Gospel available to more people through the new video-on-demand and live-streaming service SAT-7 PLUS, as well as via clips on YouTube. SAT-7 TÜRK’s YouTube videos were watched more than one million times in 2021, which represents a growth of 21 percent from 2020.

One man shared how these online videos have encouraged him.

“I thought my faith had almost died,” he said. “Due to my busy schedule, I could not get close to God and [make time to] be available for Him in my life. I saw your work on YouTube, and it is great. Thanks to your programs, I feel closer to God.”

In addition to teaching, discipleship, prayer, and worship programs for all ages, SAT-7 TÜRK shares news about what God is doing through Christians in Turkey and abroad. This content, too, helps build up its audience.

“The fact that [Christians] are not mentioned on any public news sites bothered me a lot. I felt like they were ignoring Christians like we didn’t matter. But thanks to your news programs, we can make our voices heard and be informed about one another,” one man recently said.

Please pray that SAT-7 will help many more people in Turkey and the surrounding region experience the light and hope of Jesus Christ. Pray also that isolated believers will draw encouragement from the channel as it provides a connection to the larger family of Christ.

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