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21st February 2023

Pastor Vahan İsaoğlu, the presenter of the SAT-7 TÜRK program Behind the Veil, experienced as a young boy the huge earthquake in Türkiye in 1999. He is using this experience to give biblically-based support to others following the disaster on February 6.

Vahan explained that if people survive such an event, they realize there is chaos all around them. They start looking for their family members, friends, and neighbors. But even in the midst of such turmoil, God is there with each of us.

“Everything we receive from God is grace,” said Vahan. “God has numbered our days as His stewards, and every day He has weighed up how we have fulfilled the opportunity and responsibility He has given us: to love our brothers and sisters every day, to support our husband or wife, to see the good things He does, to encourage everyone, and to set the right example for our children. We need to develop permanent, not temporary, relationships, and not create conflicts with others.”

Vahan reminded the congregation that Jesus died and rose again, and that although many people died in the earthquakes, if they are believers, God will bring them back with Jesus. “Each person is in the hand of the Lord.”

Vahan encouraged the congregation to read several proverbs, including Proverbs 31:8-9: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Vahan added that the Church has a major role to play in responding to the crisis. Churches should be an example to everyone in helping and strengthening others and offering spiritual support. He emphasized the point by reading Galatians 6:10: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

“As the Church, we must be the first to do good to all people and set an example in society. I am asking you to pray every day, do something good, and share the Gospel.” Vahan concluded.

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