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7th March 2024

Satan works in mischievous ways. One of the ways he thrives in the world is through deception. Just as with Adam and Eve when he deceived them to consume of the forbidden fruit, Satan continues to find ways today to deceive others from knowing Christ.  

Alician,* a viewer in Türkiye, admits that he previously believed in the misconceptions of Christianity: “I wish I had come to faith earlier because we have always been given a very wrong understanding of Christianity and a lot of misinformation.”  

However, Alician was able to break free of the hold that deception had on him and became a believer. He said, “I come from a non-Christian background, but after much research and reading, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.” 

Accepting Jesus as his Lord has completely changed Alician for the better. Through SAT-7, he has been able to continue his journey as a Christian in a place where Christianity is not prominent. 

I thank the Lord that after I became a Christian, I changed a lot. The Lord made me a completely different person. I love your programs and the films you broadcast, and may the Lord bless you and your ministry,” he stated.

Christians like Alician struggle daily to open up about their faith because of where they live. However, SAT-7 continues to reach these Christians through broadcasting to let them know they are not alone. It is through God’s love and grace that Alician and other Christians can strengthen their faith. 

*Names of viewers have been changed for security and image is representative.

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