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Lifting Children & Adults From Poverty


Your gift provides educational programming that helps lift children and adults from illiteracy and poverty and provides hope for a better life.



What our viewers are saying

I would like to tell you, if it wasn’t for your blessed channel, I wouldn’t have known Jesus in this way. I used to worship a wrong god whose image was distorted. Now I know Him. I can taste and understand Him, thanks to my Lord Jesus Christ."
— Egypt


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Demonstrating God’s Love for the “Least of These”, Lifting Children & Adults From Poverty, Reach People With the Gospel

Restoring Hope in Afghanistan Through Education »
Nearly three years after the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan, the children of the troubled...
Mother and baby in refugee camp in syria

Demonstrating God’s Love for the “Least of These”, Lifting Children & Adults From Poverty

Women and Children “Suffer Most” in Region’s Conflicts »
As Mother’s Day is marked in some parts of the world this month (May 12), we consider the...


Icon Bible
Demonstrating God’s Love for the “Least of These”

SAT-7 programming is changing hearts by teaching viewers the biblical truth that every person is made in the image of God.

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Icon Church
Equip People To Live Out Their Faith

SAT-7 programs and personal follow-up offer answers and advice on how to show the love of God to others through everyday actions.

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Icon Tv
Reach Kids With God's Love

SAT-7’s children’s programs are loved by kids and trusted by parents. Because they watch together, we reach both with the Gospel.

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Hands over a Bible icon
Reach People With the Gospel

SAT-7 is reaching people in countries closed to the Gospel and where it is unlikely they would ever learn about God’s love for them.

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