Our Impact
How We Reach People
SAT-7 Channel
An in-depth look
at the MENA region
from SAT-7 personnel
Jesus healed me


“Jesus Healed Me” »
Siham, a viewer from Jordan, contacted SAT-7 to share her personal testimony. During a time when...
Behind The Door Phone

Impact Story, News

Growing in Faith While Having Fun »
Learning about the character of God and discussing how to live for Him is a fun-filled experience...
The strength to forgive


The Strength to Forgive »
Forgiving someone who has wronged us can be challenging. Just as Jesus forgave those who wronged...
A Simple Gift that Changed a Life


A Simple Gift that Changed a Life »
Many Christians fear talking about the Gospel to non-believers because they don’t know every...
God’s Strength Leads to Life


God’s Strength Leads to Life »
Teresa, a viewer from Egypt, recently shared with SAT-7 how an unfortunate circumstance in her life...
Madonna Blog

Impact Story

Growing in Grace: A Young Woman’s Story »
From childhood, through adolescence, and into adulthood, SAT-7 is committed to walking with...
Evil Spirits in Disguise


Evil Spirits in Disguise »
A woman from Türkiye shares how what she thought was a normal part of her life turned out to be...


Support for Families in Lebanon as Tensions Rise »
SAT-7 is stepping up prayer and support for children and families in Lebanon and beyond amid fears...
saved by grace


Saved by Grace »
An Iranian man shared how he nearly lost his life on a cold, wintry night. If he had been found...
Quality Time Blog

Impact Story, News

Young Role Models Help Viewers Grow in Life and Faith »
A SAT-7 youth program is helping young viewers navigate difficult questions and issues they face in...

Reach Kids with the Gospel

In a region where countless children are victims of war and poverty, SAT-7 provides biblically-based children’s programming to teach kids about the hope found through faith in Jesus.