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3rd April 2024

We are promised in the Bible that we will be faced with trials and tribulations in life. No one is exempt. Everyone at some point in their lives will have their faith tested. 

It is during those trials and challenges that life throws at us that we grow and come closer to God. It is even more important during those times that we lean on Him and not away.  

Zohreh,* a believer of 13 years living in Iran, admits his challenges to SAT-7 about being a Christian in a place where Christianity is not accepted. He said, “Things are very difficult here without a church… sometimes I grow tired of myself. Because of the fact that I don’t have a church or a pastor who I could talk to, I lose my way and grow spiritually dry.” 

How easy it could be for Zohreh to give up and find comfort elsewhere. Instead, he continues to fill his spiritual needs through SAT-7 programming. “I am only being fed through your programs,” he stated.

Despite his struggles, Zohreh chooses to continue to believe and follow God. He is filled with the Holy Spirit. Zohreh shared, “The Holy Spirit gathers me – I give thanks for Him and for my heavenly Father and for Jesus who is my brother.” 

Finding gratitude when faced with hardships is not possible without the love and grace of God. Zohreh is an example of being a faithful servant to the Lord. 

*Viewer name has been changed for security.

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