Thank you so much for this {SAT‑7} program that is filled with the Word of God. It is more than wonderful and the best that I watch. God bless you."
— Viewer from Azerbaijan
Coming to faith is an exciting and wondrous occasion. However, witnessing your loved ones come to salvation is an incredible honor. Shiva, a viewer from Iran, describes how she was present when her father, “the head of our household,” came to know and accept Jesus as his Lord.
“My family was visiting, and I invited one of my sisters to read from 1 Peter chapter 4. I explained the verses to the extent of my ability, using simple language. As I was approaching the final verses, I really could sense the sweet presence of the Spirit of God,” Shiva shared. God was working in her home at the moment when all of her family was together.
Shiva continued, “My father was listening intently and gave his life to the Lord. He said that in various ways, he had already met the Lord, and what he really needed to do was to give his heart to the Lord and to confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord.”
As Shiva celebrated this beautiful moment with her family, she prayed over her father’s new faith. “My father wept tears of joy as we prayed together, and it was clear that he had a deep joy and was full of the Holy Spirit. It was such a wonderful day – my prayer is that my father’s commitment will come to full fruition in Him, Who is the head of our household.”
Shiva’s relentlessness in bringing the Gospel to her family was all for God’s glory. Because of her faith, Shiva’s family has grown by one new believer— a new believer who can have eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Please continue to pray for viewers like Shiva and that their faith continues to spill over to non-believers.
*All viewer names have been changed and viewer images are representative only.
I’m from Morocco and I'm 19 years old. Though many people surround me, I have no one to talk to. I am so grateful to the Lord for your help and advice. God bless you."